Sunday, 28 June 2009


fuck i hope it's ok to swaer on here, i googled blogs and found a load of swearing so i figure it's ok. Fuck then. I hope nobody is looking. I hate so much shit right now. Found a great thing, but lost a great thing. feel like crap. This is just for me andnot for you by the way. I am old and have big breasts but you cannot know me as I am a troubled woman, very bloody troubled. I love someone who hates me, I hopw he can change but i worked on him for years and he's nothing but passive aggressive and as long as there is a payoff for shit behaviour, as there is in his case, thats it, he stays a shit. My fucking life has been hell but interesting, and finally i get to meet some lovly people. I just hope i can get to meet them all soon but in the words of deredk the cabbie 'i'm an unlucky c*nt' sorry for crap spelling, life is too short to be a pedant :))